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To install the admin, follow the steps below:
Note :- You will Need to Create Database Details from Your cpanel.
You can find out the purchase code on your Envato Purchase Statement
You must create a New Project in Firebase by logging into Firebase Console and then entering using your Google account if you don't sign in, then create a new Project and specify the name you like for the project, then:
you can skip the remaining setup steps
next up copy the downloaded google-services.json and paste it in the path 'Q_Dating\app\' to make sure that your app is linked with your Firebase Project
If you want to use Server, You Just need to Put OneConnect API Key inside OneConnect Server Menu and Enable OneConnect Server, Then Inside app Server will Load Via OneConnect SDK Then the Server List Will Show Automatically inside App Via OneConnect Key Or If you want to Use Your Own Country Server file, Just Put your Country Server file details below.
# This Project Content OneConnect Library # For Use, the SDK Required OneConnect API Key, Visit on this Website and Create Account and get the Key. # Once You have the OneConnect API Key, Then You have Put inside OneConnect Key Menu You will Get the Key inside API Tab After that, You need to Put Your App Package Name Inside OneConnect API Tab.# You have to Put inside OneConnect Menu Please See Screenshot
in an Android project there are 2 fingerprints for each application, debug and release. Get the SHA1 Fingerprint then fill up SHA certificate fingerprints on firebase, you can follow the step below:
click here how to get android project SHA1
In installing the Android application it will be more complex, follow the steps correctly so that the application can run properly.
after you open the android project, please change the package name first
For Change Base Url Go to Your Android Project and You will Found file, You need to change Base url inside the File.
in an Android project there are 2 fingerprints for each application, debug and release.
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest,You can Create Support Ticket on Our Support portal. Click Here